Terms of Use

1. General conditions of use of the Internet users of the site
This User Agreement (hereinafter - the Agreement) announces the terms and conditions of use for users of the site http://jes.su, as well as sites with third level domain names (history.jes.su, maths.jes.su etc.) (hereinafter - site) including:
- Conditions of use of the materials posted on this site;
- Terms of placement of materials (including, but not limited to, text, images, comments) Web users on the site.
Use of the Site Web user means that the user receives the web and agrees to abide by all of the following terms of this Agreement.
This Agreement in whole or in part can be changed by LLC "I-PC" at any time without any notice. The new version of the Agreement shall enter into force on the date of its publication on the website.
2. Conditions of use of the materials posted on this site
2.1. Site contains material, trademarks and other legally protected material, including but not limited to, research articles, text, photographs, video, graphics, music and sound works.
In this case, all the site content is protected by law in accordance with the provisions of Part IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
Exclusive rights to use the content (including the right of the selection, arrangement, organization and transformation of the data contained on the website http://jes.su, as well as on sites with third level domain names (history.jes.su, maths .jes.su, etc.), as well as the right to own the original data) are owned by LLC "And PC 'and partners.
Use of any information from the site for any purpose other than personal, without the consent of "I-PC" is not allowed.
Specified in this section of the Agreement provisions provide for the protection of the interests of "I-PC" and third parties who hold the rights to the content ("Content") website.
2.2. Site user has no right to make changes, publish, transmit to third parties involved in the sale or assignment of, create derivative works or otherwise use, partially or completely, site content, except in the cases of using textual material posted in the amount of not more than 300 (three hundred) characters without punctuation (use of any photographs and graphic images is not permitted without the written consent of "I-PC" or third parties, is the owner of these materials or images).
Netizens can download ("download") from the site materials, rights belong to LLC "I-PC" and partners, for personal use only.
It is not permitted to copy, distribute, transfer to third parties, publication or other use, including commercial purposes, materials downloaded from the site without the written permission of "I-PC".
In the case of obtaining permission to copy, distribute, publish or otherwise use the materials from this site protected by copyright, such copying, distribution, publication or other use is prohibited without reference to the original and / or trademark.
3. Conditions layout Web users online
3.1. User agrees to use the Web Site only for lawful purposes. Web user agrees not to post on the website and not to send anywhere via / through the site any material following lines:
- Violate the laws containing threats and insults, defamatory other persons who violate citizens' rights to privacy or public policy, having the character of obscenity;
- Violate a greater or lesser degree of honor and dignity, rights and lawful interests of other persons;
- Promoting or containing incitement to religious, racial or ethnic hatred, incitement to hatred containing attempt or incitement to violence;
- As well as other materials that encourage others to wrongful conduct, give rise to criminal, civil or other liability, or in any way violates the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation.
Any action by the Network, which, in the opinion of "I-PC", restrict or impede the realization of the rights of other network users using the site, are not allowed.
LLC "I-PC" is not responsible for personal opinions expressed by users on its web site.
3.2. Web user agrees not to post on the website and not through direct / materials through the Site, is advertising of any goods or services, without the prior written consent of "I-PC".
User agrees not to use the Web site for advertising or other sales promotion of any goods and services.
3.3. Web user agrees not to upload, post or otherwise use on the site any material protected by intellectual property laws (including copyright, trademark law), and other materials protected by the legislation without the written permission of the rights protected material. In this case, the burden of proving that the placement on the site of the web material does not infringe copyrights, and other related rights of third parties to post content lies with the user on the network.
3.4. Netizens agree that it is solely assumed all responsibility for material posted on the website, including, for the content of such materials, compliance with legal requirements, for the violation of the rights of third parties on the web site users and materials shall reimburse any damages arising from such violations, as well as any damage arising from the upload of such materials.