Preparing an article for publication

Before submitting an article, you should familiarize yourself with the Terms of Use of the site and undergo the “Registration” procedure. By subsequent accessing to the Journal, it will be enough to enter the e-mail and password specified in the registration into the corresponding entry, then selecting the “Sign in” button in the registration window. If you could not access the site for any reason, you can always restore access to your account by selecting the button “Forgot your password?” In the registration window.

  1. New platform allow the author to publish the article himself and send it to reviewers.

Note! If you are not sure in publishing the article yourself, you can send your text up to editor e-mail  in any format, supported by Microsoft Word (see par. 12)

  1. After authorization you see the button«My profile»on right top corner. The button «My publications – Add publication» becomes active. If you choose it, you can fill the information about article in Russian and English: «The title»«Annotation», «Key words»«Bibliography», and «funding source» in need.
  2. If there are several authors, only one researcher publishes the article and declare the others in special field«joint authors».  Joint authors should be registered in the system also.
  3. According to international standards, all references in«Bibliography»should be written not only in native language of the article, but it Latin letters, using transliteration.
  4. The next option is «Add text file», here we upload  the file with an article in to the system. The format of text file isDOCX. The file should contain only text and sub elements (see par.7)

Note! All information about the article has been added in par. 2, there is no need to add it here.

  1. Indentions in the text mark by empty string
  2. Text file after loading retains titles, references, notes, tables (no more than 6 columns), enumerated and unnumbered lists, hyperlinks, separations, underlining, italics.
  3. Text file can contain illustrations. In such case, the first line under the picture becomes inscription. If you want to load the illustration separately, you may use the button«Add picture»
  4. After you have chosen the button «Add publication», you see the text, divided into indentions, in «Edit publication»mode. Hereyou can correct the article inneed.   

Note! You can unlimitedly save the text after every correction, until you’ll be ready to send it to reviewer, using the button «Rough copy».

  1. Before finishing, you have to write short comment in the field«Comment for editor»at the bottom of the page. The article will be sent for reviewing as fast as you push the button «Send editor».
  2. In future, you may use«Edit publication»mode any time you wish, finding the article in «My profile» field, button «My publications». Don’t forget to add short comment in the field «Comment for editor» about your corrections, despite he is able to refuse you in publishing new version of the article.  
  3. To avoid the troubles with uploading we advise you to copy an application to editor e-mail  in any format, supported by Microsoft Word.

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, all of them can be disposed!

 Example DOCX file with the text of the publication