​Jorge Isaac Torres Manrique

Lawyer from Universidad Católica de Santa María (Arequipa). Doctorate in Law and Administration from Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal (Lima). Honorary Doctorate in International Law from the University of Wisdom (Nigeria).

Dean of the Faculty of Law, Wisdom University (Nigeria). President of the Interdisciplinary School of Fundamental Rights Praeeminentia Iustitia (Peru). Global Advisor and Global Director Legal Maters of Wisdom University (Albania).

Affiliation: Interdisciplinary School of Fundamental Rights Praeeminentia Iustitia (Peru). Address: 204 Los Jazmines Street. Urb. Primavera. District of Yanahuara. Province and Department of Arequipa. Republic of Peru.

WhatsApp: +51 999668864 Email: kimblellmen@outlook.com.