Review of metadata storing and searching methods in DLT and distributed files systems
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Review of metadata storing and searching methods in DLT and distributed files systems
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Obadah Hammoud 
Department of Engineering Cybernetics, National University of Science and Technology “MISiS”, Moscow, Russia
Department of Information Technology, Tartous University, Tartus, Syria
Address: Russian Federation, Moscow

In this review, the author considers currently available methods for storing and looking up files by metadata. Different available solutions were considered and their shortcomings were highlighted. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the current metadata processing methods in order to provide a robust base to build a metadata indexing system for a distributed documents exchange system. Different projects and researches were considered: Luster, WekaFS, Ceph, Gluster, IPFS, HDFS, Spyglass, Smartstore, and Distributed Metadata Search for the Cloud research. It was concluded that all the considered solutions don't fit the requirements of processing documents metadata. In the end, the characteristics of an ideal system for this job were described.

DLT, metadata search, e-document, B2B exchange
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E-documents form an essential part of daily B2B data exchanges on the Internet. This includes contracts, service notes, official mails, financial documents and other types of e-documents. These documents have a different structure than random files [1]. They may contain specific metadata entries, like an author’s name, account number, registration date, etc. Various standards can be used to represent these metadata entries, like MARC 21, Dublin Core, ANSI ASC X12 and others. As these documents have their own structure, B2B services are required to process these documents based on various attributes.
2 Large corporations build their own services to manage e-documents using centralized solutions. As centralized solutions can be easily managed and deployed, they are more vulnerable to attacks and threats, which leads to critical consequences for the entire system [2]. A distributed architecture can help to avoid these threats. A recent trend in B2B systems is taking advantage of distributed architectures, such as immutability data and transparency of data processing and logs. Thereby, such well-known distributed technologies as DLT and IPFS are considered. The architecture should be designed to fit the requirements of processing e-documents, such as searching for different e-documents using several attributes.
3 The aim of this review is to study the most well-known projects which handle files in distributed systems, or metadata in general. The paper discusses how much these projects can be integrated into a distributed structure to store e-documents. For this purpose, the author highlights the flaws and advantages of each project.

Review methodology

Different technologies and solutions were considered in this study. These solutions were classified into three main categories:
  1. Projects and research articles about storing data in distributed architectures, like Luster, IPFS, etc.
  2. Projects and articles about methods to store metadata which handles a big number of files.
  3. Projects and articles about storing metadata in blockchain.
This study utilized different open resources: research articles (Google Scholar [3], Scopus [4], IEEE [5]) and white papers available on the Internet. Among the sources examined in the present review, there were developing projects mentioned and cited for the last 3-4 years, technical documentations which had been updated over the last year, and around which a community of developers was being formed. The system for the task of processing e-documents metadata can be described by the following requirements:
  1. Support for several attributes, with various data types like string, number, dictionary, etc.
  2. The ability to work on several nodes. As there can be several nodes, having a single node to handle searching processes can lead to a bottleneck. Also, the system should be flexible when adding a new node, so the workload can be shared with new nodes without interference.
  3. Support for searching data entries based on multiple attributes. It includes searching by a single attribute, several attributes, or even all attributes. The solution should be efficient in terms of speed and memory (for example, storing many trees is not efficient in terms of memory).
  4. Support for complex queries. There are a number of situations where complex queries can be useful, such as finding data quickly or making reports. Complex queries - such as intersections and aggregations - may combine multiple attributes.
  5. Support for scheme changes for metadata. Eventually, there may be a need to upgrade the data schema, and the process should be feasible.
  6. A method or protocol to agree on data must be implemented for nodes to resolve conflicts automatically. It is also necessary to synchronize the data between nodes to quickly add changes.

Distributed filesystems


Luster [6] is a clusters-based opensource filesystem, which works in distributed structures. Most HPFS (High Performance File System) use Luster file system [7]. Luster file system mainly consists of three types of nodes (Fig. 1):
  1. The client which uses the filesystem
  2. Metadata server (MDS)
  3. Object storage server (OSS)
6 Luster filesystem can contain more than one metadata server, and these servers store data on devices called MDT (Metadata Targets). Also, Luster filesystem can contain one or more MDTs. MDTs contain all required metadata, including filenames, their permissions, folders, etc.
7 These servers manage storage devices called OSTs (Object Storage Target). Luster filesystem can be comprised of one or several OSSs, and each OSS can have a single or multiple OSTs. The total storage capacity of the system is the sum of the storage spaces of all OSTs.
8 MDS uses both round-robin and a weighted random algorithm to allocate OSTs’ objects as follows:
  • When the free space variation among all the OSTs is less than a certain threshold (17%), MDS uses round-robin to choose the next OST to write the strip of data to. This case is called a balanced state.
  • If the free space variation among all the OSTs is more than the certain threshold (imbalanced state), it uses weighted random algorithm to allocate the next object. By using this algorithm, the file system can return to the balanced state by writing more objects to the OSTs that have more free space. The I/O performance decreases while the system is imbalanced.
As long as there might be more than one MDT, Luster uses DNE (Distributed Namespace) remote directories to assign each MDT a part of the overall MDT data. This process is called a DNE phase 1. MDTs can have nested relations, so one MDT can present a part of another MDT, but this can cause problems, because if a MDT is damaged, all the nested MDTs become useless.

Figure 1—Luster storage architecture

10 The metadata of a single directory can be stored on several MDTs, where each MDT stores a part of this metadata. As an example, this directory contains several files, and multiple MDTs store the metadata of the files which are located within this directory, where each MDT stores a part of the files’ metadata. Nevertheless, a single file has all its metadata stored on the same MDT.

The MDS servers are resource-intensive. According to the official documentation [8], it is customary to allocate 16 cores and 256GB RAM for MDS servers. MDSs use Inode bit locks (Inode is a data structure used in Unix-like systems) for file lookup [9]. Inode bit locks function as follows: whenever a file is requested (for example, files/file1), the Inode structure is checked to see the location of the folder “files”, for example it can be located in block B1. Block B1 is then checked to read the folder content and the files location which are inside. As an example, the metadata of File 1 can be located in block B2. Finally, Block B2 is checked, and it shows that the actual data is stored in block B3. Luster is not suitable for processing e-documents because:

  1. This filesystem supports finding data by basic file attributes. The project is not designed to search for e-documents by their metadata, such as author, keywords, etc.
  2. To store metadata, a central server with high specifications is required, which is considered a bottleneck.


Another filesystem designed to work on distributed structures is WekaFS [10]. WekaFS supports high bandwidth operations as it was originally designed for NVMEeoF. Also, WekaFS has a high scalability. Unlike Luster, WekaFS distributes the metadata across all the storage nodes (while other distributed filesystems like Luster use dedicated servers to host metadata). As a result, there will be no bottleneck point, as metadata servers affect the overall system performance. The metadata in WekaFS is distributed equally among the nodes, so no node is considered more important than another. The method of implementing metadata processes is patented. So, based on that:

  1. WekaFS splits metadata across several servers, so there is not a bottleneck.
  2. The metadata processing algorithm is patented, so it cannot be used.


In the last few years, IPFS [11 has received much attention. It is a P2P network which has its own protocol for sharing data in a distributed structure. IPFS can store different types of data, so storing NFT related data became easier with IPFS [12][13].
13 IPFS can store metadata about NFT as a JSON object. An example would be: { “name”: “test” “description”: “image description” “image”: “ipfs:://jgifmrofskfjgm3k9g4mc4nfo5mv34s4mnf4mf43nf3erkjvvjkjk3f3cdg/test.png” } IPFS-Search [14] is a project which allows searching for IPFS content using metadata. This project uses IPFS-Tika to extract the metadata, and ElasticSearch 7 for searching process, which is a search engine used for indexing and searching purposes. So, IPFS does not have an embedded metadata searching algorithm. Some specific solutions have their own implementations, such as searching for NFT using IPFS-search.


Ceph [15] is a platform which uses object storage, and has its own filesystem (cephFS). It has similarities with Luster, as it also uses metadata servers (ceph-mds).
15 In cephFs, one of the metadata servers should be in active mode, while the rest of metadata servers should be in standby mode. If the active server fails or stops working, one of the remining servers becomes active to guarantee high availability. So, the disadvantages of using this project to process metadata are:
  1. A central server with high specifications is required to store metadata, which is considered as a bottleneck
  2. The project is not designed to search for e-documents by their metadata, such as author, keywords, etc.


Gluster [16] is the combination of GNU and Luster, but it is not based on Luster. Unlike Luster, Gluster does not have any metadata servers, and unlike WekaFS metadata is not required at all. Files are located using an elastic hashing algorithm. Due to this algorithm, it is possible to find the location of data fragments using calculations without having to search the indexes. A virtual volume can be located in several volumes (Fig. 2).

Figure 2 – Gluster architecture

18 Gluster clearly does not meet the requirements to process e-documents:
  1. The metadata is not stored at all, as the file location can be found by algorithms dynamically.
  2. The project is not designed to search for e-documents by their metadata, such as author, keywords, etc.

HDFS (Hadoop)

HDFS [17] is the filesystem used by Hadoop. In this storage platform, the files are split into blocks, and replicated on three servers; so if a server fails, the content is still accessible from the other two servers. HDFS has different node types (Fig. 3):
  1. Master Nodes: Servers used for distributed storage management. They are called NameNodes. A NameNode holds the metadata about the cluster. There can be one active NameNode, and standby name nodes, so if the NameNode fails, one of the remaining NameNodes becomes active.
  2. Worker Nodes: nodes where data is actually stored. They are also called DataNodes.
20 To detect nodes failures, a heartbeat message is sent every three seconds to the NameNode. When a DataNode stops sending heartbeat messages, the NameNode server assumes that this DataNode has failed, and it unmaps it from the cluster, so it is excluded from future writings / readings. Once the NameNode server receives the heartbeat message from the excluded DataNode again, the DataNode joins the cluster automatically.

Figure 3 – HDFS architecture

22 This method has two main issues:
  1. A central server with high specifications is required to store metadata, which is considered as a bottleneck
  2. The project is not designed to search for e-documents by documents’ metadata, such as author, keywords, etc.

Metadata processing projects


The Spyglass [18] project aims to speed up the search of files by their metadata in large storage systems. Metadata can be inode metadata, like file name, permissions, etc. or extra metadata, like a title or the author of a document. File metadata with close namespaces are grouped together in Spyglass. It is because the user tends to search for files in specific directories. As a result, only a subtree (a part of the whole tree) will be considered instead of searching the whole tree, which increases the search speed, while many other used solutions like DBMS treat namespaces as strings, so the system has to search all the available entries. In Spyglass, these partitions (subtrees) are required to be small, around 100,000 files per partition. Furthermore, a cache about these partitions is saved in memory, and is updated using the LRU algorithm. This project uses K-D trees to search partition indexes. Also, it uses index versioning to limit the update processes. An important method for searching for data by attributes is the K-D tree. This tree splits data based on the mean, until the target data entry is found. Thus, when searching for an entry, we check its location, as data is split into 2 halves based on the mean, and the quarter (half of the half) is checked, and so on. The K-D tree supports multi-attributes, by splitting the data by the mean according to each dimension for each resulting part. In this way, the data is split according to the mean value of the x axis, for example, and the resulting collection of data is split according to the mean value of the y axis of this particular collection, and so on. The problem of this tree is that all attributes are considered in the selection process, and it is impossible to search for data by a subset of the attributes without building a new tree with this subset of attributes. Steps we can take include:
  1. The project mainly groups entries which are in close namespaces to increase search speed. When dealing with a system to store e-documents, the division of namespaces will not be required for search processes.
  2. It uses K-D trees, which can be problematic when updating/inserting data frequently.


The Smartstore [19] project uses R-Trees instead of K-D trees. In this project, the same metadata can contain several R-Trees to match different patterns. When the user sends a search query, Smartstore uses Bloom filter, or Minimum Bounding Rectangles for complex queries to determine if a server belongs to the query. Based on that:
  1. This project uses R-trees, which handles multiple attributes well.
  2. Search speed degrades by time when the attributes become overlapped [20].

Distributed Metadata Search for the Cloud research

The "Distributed Metadata Search for the Cloud research” research [20] suggests increasing the search speed by dividing metadata across multiple servers, so each server searches in a part of the indexes list. It recommends using MangoDB to store the indexes among the servers. On each server, the data is split again into several blocks, and each block is handled as a separate K-D-B tree. According to the research, it has to do with the fact that when the user searches for a query, several partitions can be excluded completely, and time is saved by not searching these blocks. When the user submits a search query, a dedicated server, called the organizer, determines which servers are relevant to the query, and after that, each server of the selected servers decides which blocks are relevant to the query. However:
  1. The suggested study uses a centralized server.
  2. This study is yet not deployed by any of well-known projects.

Blockchain and metadata

Indexing is not a capability which is directly supported by current public blockchains. In Ethereum, if the functionality of indexing metadata is required, the user should write a smart contract with this functionality. In the research [21] a structure for storing metadata on Ethereum is proposed. However, this study suggests a way to store only basic metadata on blockchains. Even if this study is modified to store other types of metadata, no other algorithms are discussed to increase the speed of search processes by attributes. There is practically no information on how to search for metadata in DLT. BigchainDB, for instance, is a blockchain based database, which supports MangoDB, a document-oriented database. In BigchainDB, metadata adds data to transactions, and it can be updated / added for each transaction. The release of BigchainDB V1.3 allows queries on the metadata, but technical implementation details are missing.


In this review, we discussed technologies used to store files in distributed systems, as well as the way how metadata is processed, having in mind that the purpose is to find a solution that suits the requirements of processing e-documents. Based on the results of the review, several functions necessary for the implementation of a full-fledged B2B exchange system were identified:
  • Basic metadata: includes metadata related to normal files, such as data creation, file name, etc.
  • Extended metadata: includes possible additional metadata, such as DOI, author name, etc.
  • Search by metadata: includes searching for e-documents using different metadata attributes.
  • Complex requests: an example would be finding all documents whose author is X in the period [Y-Z]
  • Distributed metadata nodes: This is required to avoid having a bottleneck in the system
29 Table 1 presents the summary of our review.
Project Basic metadata Extended metadata Search by metadata Complex requests Distributed metadata nodes
Luster Yes No Yes No No
WekaFS Yes No Yes No Yes
Ceph Yes No Yes No No
Gluster No No No No No metadata servers
IPFS* No No No No No
HDFS Yes No Yes Yes No
Spyglass Yes No Yes No No
Smartstore Yes No Yes Yes No
Distributed Metadata Search for the Cloud research” Yes No Yes No No


Table 1. Summary of the review * IPFS originally doesn’t process metadata. However, IPFS can be used with NFT, but metadata can be saved on nodes like in torrent, and this is not related to the purpose described above. We did not review CDN [22] as it is a technology to cache data by using servers in different locations for faster delivery of data content. As evident, there is no ready solution for storing and processing e-documents’ metadata, which satisfies the conditions outlined above, and which is necessary when dealing with different e-documents processing operations. There should be no reliance on a single node, and the system should allow to search by a variety of attributes, whether by a singular attribute or by a combination of them in a fair speed. E-documents contain metadata attributes which random files do not have. With a huge number of e-documents to store, the system must be able to locate desired documents using these attributes in a resource-efficient and speed-efficient manner.


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